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Redefining work culture globally

The smartest way to manage, automate payments and provide full financial control to your distributed teams
Ontop - Global hiring and payrolling solution
Global Ontop
Ontop platform
Happy workers

Como cliente de ProTalento obtienes

¡un precio especial!

Onboarding in just a few clicks.
Stay compliant. We make sure your team follows tax laws so they can work from anywhere.
Automate payroll. Leave your payments to us so you can focus on what matters most for your business.
Get a free consultation

What do you get when building your team with us?

Feature 1

Streamlined payments

Easy contracts

Easy and compliant contracts

Feature 3

Happier, more productive teams

Let's build a better future with Ontop
Ontop - Global hiring and payrolling solution

Let's build a better future of work together

Why is remote work good for your business?
It gives you access to a broader and more cost effective pool of global talent, while letting you build products and services that can scale easily to a global audience.
Why is remote work good for society?
From decentralization and cheaper housing to less commuting time and the freedom to work from anywhere, workers can now build the life they dream of, no matter where they are in the world. It's not just a trend, it's the future of work.
Get a free consultation

Let's started

Focus in what matters...your team

Onboarding in just a few clicks.

Scale your distributed team.

Full financial control.

Help your team achieve total financial control with our fintech products.

Automate payroll.

Leave your payments to us so you can focus on what matters most for your business.

Talk to our experts

Schedule a demo with an expert here
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