Experts Explain International EOR 

We have an expert legal team that helps you to know exactly what to expect when hiring rockstars abroad. Save time and effort. We've got the know-how! Focus on your core business tasks while we help you with your expansion. Rely on our applicant background check and make sure that everything is set up for your success. 
two women sitting at a table working
Written by
Ontop Team

Employee of Record 

Hi there! Here we are again, ready to answer all of your answers about EOR. Let’s recap. What is an Employee of Record? An Employer of Record (EOR) is a third-party organization that hires and pays an employee on behalf of another company and takes responsibility for all formal employment tasks. This allows you to develop a global team in countries where you don't have a legal entity.

Therefore, you will be able to hire anyone, anywhere with the full-time employee model! How does that sound? And the best part is: You won’t have to go through all the boring, stressful paperwork. The full time employee is able to work full time for your company and be on payroll without you having to move a finger.  One important detail to note is that the company assumes taxes and labor responsibilities.

Costs And Payroll Risks

Hiring an international employee can be difficult and time-consuming. You'll need to set up contracts, deal with different legal systems, and provide benefits like health care or vacation days—the list goes on!

But honestly all this hassle is a thing of the past! With EOR services your team will be backed up by mentors that have the knowledge and know the value that both workers and companies have. Ontop is a worldwide, remote company. It doesn’t get much better than that considering the flexible hours it gives you. Work from where you want to and assume the responsibilities. But never forget that working remotely doesn't mean you have to raise a white flag! On the contrary, you’ll be able to honor your time, make schedules work and focus on what needs to get done with perfection. 

EOR enables companies in one country to hire someone from another country without having them become independent contractors by themselves first. Don’t worry, it's easy as it seems for your company. Everything happens online and Ontop has your back. 

The biggest difference with contractors (civil legislation) is that in the EOR there is a labor relationship regulated by tailored labor laws according to the employee country. Avoid problems when hiring abroad, Ontop guides you to have the right documentation and at the same time helps you reduce legal and operational expenses. Save time and money. Always. 

We have an expert legal team that helps you to know exactly what to expect when hiring rockstars abroad. Save time and effort. We've got the know-how! Focus on your core business tasks while we help you with your expansion. Rely on our applicant background check and make sure that everything is set up for your success. 

Quick and easy global expansion  

Expanding a business can be complex. Naturally, companies should look for assistance when it comes to global HR, administration, and understanding how to onboard new employees in order to avoid legal risks while managing their workers worldwide.

As an EOR, Ontop assumes the responsibility for HR issues and compliances, while the company stills get to decide the most important thing: Who should they hire?

Staying compliant in every city, state and country where your employees are working can be very tricky. That’s why it is important to cover all your bases if you are offering remote jobs. 

Develop a strong partnership with Ontop and expand anywhere in the world without opening a local entity. Our job is to help companies reduce complexities while they grow. This is how: 

• When scaling your operations and going worldwide, you also need an expert team (such as HR and payroll professionals). When hiring through Ontop, we take care of those tasks, helping you to save time and money. 

• Managing global payroll can be a nightmare because you not only have to deal with volatile currency exchanges and exorbitant overseas bank transfers, but also the struggles of managing global payroll manually. With us as your ally your payroll compliance is always assured.

• And the most important thing! We make sure that you act 100% compliantly throughout every step. Our experts provide a safety framework that covers sensitive information such as minimum wages, taxes, social contributions and similar charges following the local labor in the respective country where the talent is located.

When should your company use EOR?‍

There are many reasons a company would benefit by using an employer of record when looking for employees. Here are some of them:

• Your company is seeking for expansion and wants people on the ground in another country

• You need compliance with local labor laws 

• You want full time employees without opening up a subsidiary

• You want significant savings downline while still meeting compliance demands 

Is International Expansion Critical for Business Growth?

We hear people asking that question a lot! And the answer is “Yes, yes, yes”! Expanding internationally is a great way to grow your business and increase revenue. You'll be able to expand into new markets and build credibility with customers by being seen as a legit global company that can not only deliver but also be cost-effective and fast. 

You can also see benefits in profitability, productivity, performance, engagement, and even retention. All of this helps your business grow.

What are the Benefits of Hiring Global EOR? ‍

Here at Ontop you will be able to hire, onboard, and pay full time employees anywhere in the world without opening up a legal entity. We've got everything you need! We can seamlessly integrate & streamline HR processes for any size business.

EOR brings revolutionizing solutions, from taxes to payroll, health insurance compliance, and tedious paperwork. Don’t worry! You will have all of that covered, saving your business time by doing it all behind the scenes with our team of experts in every region around the world who will offer a range of services. 


Ontop is aware of local employment laws, handles its business with the utmost professionalism, and offers you access to top-notch professionals and employees at your fingertips!

So why wait? Book a demo today, and let us show you how our platform can streamline your hiring & payroll process.

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