What is a Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)?

A Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) is a unit of measurement used to determine the workload of an employee or a group of employees. It represents the number of hours an employee works relative to a full-time employee. By calculating the FTE, companies can compare the productivity of part-time and full-time employees and make informed decisions regarding hiring and resource allocation.

A Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) is a unit of measurement commonly used by organizations to determine the workload of an employee or a group of employees. It allows companies to compare the productivity and cost-effectiveness of part-time and full-time employees.

How is it Calculated?

FTE is calculated by dividing the total hours worked by an employee by the hours worked by a full-time employee in the same period. The result is a decimal or percentage that represents the fraction of a full-time employee's workload that the employee or group of employees is responsible for.

For example, let's say a full-time employee works 40 hours per week. If an employee works 20 hours per week, their FTE would be 0.5 (20 divided by 40). This means that they are responsible for half the workload of a full-time employee.

When to Use FTE Calculations

Companies use FTE calculations for various purposes, such as:

1. Workforce Planning: By knowing the FTE of their employees, companies can accurately assess their workforce needs. They can determine if they have the right number of employees or if they need to hire additional staff to meet the demands of their business.

2. Hiring Decisions: FTE calculations can help companies decide whether to hire part-time or full-time employees. By comparing the FTE of different candidates, companies can evaluate their productivity potential and make informed decisions about hiring.

3. Resource Allocation: FTE calculations enable companies to allocate resources effectively. They can distribute work evenly among employees based on their FTE, ensuring that each employee has a fair share of the workload.

4. Cost Analysis: FTE calculations help companies analyze the cost implications of different employment options. By comparing the FTE of part-time and full-time employees, companies can determine the financial impact of hiring choices.

It's important to note that FTE calculations may vary depending on the company's specific policies and practices. Some companies may consider 30 hours per week as full-time, while others may define it as 35 or 37.5 hours per week.


In conclusion, a Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) is a measurement that allows companies to assess the workload of employees and make informed decisions about hiring and resource allocation. By calculating the FTE, companies can compare the productivity and cost-effectiveness of part-time and full-time employees, helping them optimize their workforce.

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