Product Spotlight: January Kick-Off

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January 22. 2023

Product Spotlight:

January Kick-Off

Welcome to the latest Product Spotlight! We're thrilled to share with you how we’re kicking off this new year and all product enhancements as we aim to elevate our clients’ and workers’ experience.
Contract Updates

The New Way to Calculate

Traditionally, setting up a new hire means manually entering prorated payment amounts, a time-consuming process prone to errors.

Our system automatically calculates prorated amounts, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors. Our clients can easily review the calculation formula and make adjustments directly in the provided calculator. Maintain control in the most efficient way possible.

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Signing Contracts in Bulk

Signing contracts one by one? A tedious task, indeed.

Revolutionize your contract management with our latest update, which allows clients to streamline the process by signing all pending contracts with a single click.

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Contract Sorter

With our Contract Sorter, clients can now organize contracts based on name, start date, or compensation amount. Plus, the default sorting now shows all pending contracts first. Gain the power to organize your contracts exactly the way you want.

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Contract Status: Information with Clarity

Experience status updates and indicators that provide you with valuable insights at a glance. You'll love the clarity and sophistication they bring to your contract management!

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Amendment Filter

You can now effortlessly filter contracts with amendments and pending amendments. Finding the specific contracts you need has never been this simple and accurate!

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EOR Invoicing

Paying your EOR invoices just got a whole lot easier. Clients can now pay invoices directly from their Ontop account with just a few clicks.

Here's a quick guide:

1. Access your Ontop account.

2. Go to "Payments" > "Payment setup" and choose your methods:

ontop platform

3. Return to "Payments", select "Pay now", then choose "Employees".

4. Select your invoices, choose a payment method, and complete the steps provided to confirm your payment.

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Wallet & Payouts Updates
Card & Subscriptions Updates
Payments Updates
Rapid U.S. Wire Payments
Prepare Ahead for Payday
Elevate your Payments with Crypto
The New Face Your Contract List

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